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The Sunday Herald
Alicia Wood

Somewhere within Sophie Cape’s violent and visceral paintings is her biography. As the dirt and paint intersect on huge pieces of paper, the results tell the story of an elite athlete distraught after injures took away her goals. Cape was a champion skier who changed careers after serious knee and muscle injuries.

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The Sydney Morning Herald
Leo Robba

In casting around for a theme for this year’s Australia Day special, we hoped to choose one that would give the artists scope to explore and celebrate what it means to be Australian. The brief was that the work should be a personal response to our country’s diversity, landscape and culture. Each artist has brought a distinct vision of how they understand and picture our national character, reflecting the wide rang of reactions to the idea of Australia Day.

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Better Photography
Summer 2011

What does it take to become an art photographer? While well-known artists can command high prices for their work, most started with small shows and built their reputation over number of years. Ben Ali Ong is at the beginning of his career, having just secured representation with the Tim Olsen Gallery in Sydney where at his first exhibition with the gallery he sold 22 pieces.

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Australian Art Collector
Courtney Kidd
Jan 2011

What Now?


Your dazzling paintings in the 1990’s with right, clashing colours, attracted a lot of attention. What have you been working on lately?

I’m focussing on the show coming up in March. It’s made up of embroidery works, small scale about 30 by 30 centimetres in size and all done by hand. Their embroidery mesh is spray-painted, they’re like the way I work with paper.

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The Good Weekend, Sydney Morning Herald
Janet Hawley

Lessons learnt from life.

John Olsen

The artist, 82, tells what he knows about… 

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The Sydney Morning Herald
Steve Meacham

Rex Dupain quickly acknowledges his favourite subject in his new book and exhibition, Australia: 150 Photographs. “Turn to page 57,” he says, deadpan. “She was the most obedient model in the book. I said stay still and she did just that. I didn’t even have to get her to sign a model release.” The joke becomes clear when you reach the right page: a statue in Waverley Cemetery

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The Weekend Australia
Ross Bilton

Photographer Rex Dupain was in a town in Western NSW and the locals were warning him not to go near the local Aboriginal reserve. Your car will be damaged, they said; you’ll be robbed or beaten up. But then Dupain met an Aboriginal man in the street who offered to take him there and show him around. “Don’t worry bro,” the man said. “If you’re with me you’ll be OK.”

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Inside Out Magazine
Lainey George

Art, design and family come together in painter David Band's Melbourne home and studio, providing inspiration for his fertile mind.

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The Sun Herald
Andrew Taylor

It has taken Cherry Hood six years to overcome her fear of the landscape at her farm near Goulburn. “It’s been a difficult thing,” she said. “We have this big black range of hills near us and they’re quite spooky and we’re surrounded by these white trees that are quite eerie.” Years of drought had taken a toll, but Hood said rains had brought life to the district’s parched farms: “Its very green and lush.

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The Sydney Morning Herald
Steve Meacham

Its contemporary painting done the old school way, writes Steve Meacham. The large, colourful Kandinsky- influences abstracts that dominate Charlie Sheard’s studio in a former warehouse in Redfern give little hint of the 50-year-old painters obsession with Titian, Velasquez and Rembrandt.

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The Daily Telegraph

When an earthquake struck while costume’ designer Jodie Fried was in India she did what she could to help. Meeting women with excellent textile skills, her business Bholu was born. Using designs created by children, she produced cushions, throws and soft toys made by local women. Money is used to support the community. To date nine schools have been built. Colour bind.. As a big fan of David Band I would take anything from his painting collection. This one particularly strikes a chord. I love the mix of red, pink and orange. David Band, Acid Tongue #3, 2010, $9900 from Tim Olsen Gallery.

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Australian Financial Review
Katrina Strickland

A deputy director at the National Portrait Gallery, Louise Doyle, is expected to be announced as its new director today. The news comes as the Canberra based institution acquires Cherry Hood’s 2002 Archibald Prize-winning portrait of pianist Simon Tedeschi, which Sydney gallery owner Tim Olsen donated to it.

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The Australian Finanical Review
Katrina Strickland

The National Gallery of Australia has bought John Olsen’s Butcher’s Cart Deia de Mallorca. Painted by the 82-year-old artist in the past year, it depicts a meat cart he used to walk past while living in Spain in the 1950’s.

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Artist Profile
Jane O'Sullivan
July 2010

What Now? Six contemporary artists talk about their most recent work? Matthew Johnson..

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The Sydney Morning Herald- Spectrum
Katrina Lobley
26-27 June 2010

Emdur's seascapes featuring floating women have always been singularly beautiful with their weightless, Ophelia-like overtones but in this show her work takes on a more provocative edge with multiple, occasionally intertwined naked bodies. "Martine's paintings celebrate aquatic liberation," says gallerist Tim Olsen. Detail from Sage pictured below.

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Sydney Morning Herald
Linda Morris

John Olsen, the elder statesmen of Australian art, is preparing to go toe-to-toe with the federal government over proposed changes to superannuation policy, which he says threaten Australia’s status as a creative nation, the livelihood of emerging artists and the viability of the art market.

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The Australian
Nicolas Rothwell
June 19-20, 2010

Revelling in outback colour

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Marie Claire
May 2010

Artist George Raftopoulos was amongst the several top Australian artists chosen to help celebrate 15 years of Australian Fashion Week. George collaboratively worked with designer Alex Perry to create a unique stuning piece that will be auctioned for charity.

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Tanya Buchanan
June/July 2010

Architects and designers get to talk design all the time, but what about all the other artistic dynamos out there? Belle asks nine creative Australians to consider luxury in design. These actors, artists, fashion designers and entrepreneurs are all influenced by good form, but what is luxury for them? Overwhelmingly, beauty, originality and old-fashioned craftsmanship get the nod from this inspired group.

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Sydney Morning Herald
March 2010

Having a famous surname has been a great motivator for a woman called dove, writes Keilie Hush... Making a splash, John Olsen and Paloma Picasso meet for the first time at the Tim Olsen gallery in Woollahra.

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