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Inside Out Magazine
Kerrie Davies
April 2009


While he’s fast gaining recognition for his paintings of deserted, modernist houses, the cliché of the artist who thrives on solitude doesn’t apply to Paul Davies. The Sydney artist shares his city studio warehouse with fashion designers Chronicles of Never and Asuza and the art directors of The Oxford Art Factory, Edward Woodley and Mark Drew. Next door is Missoni importers Spence & Lyda, opposite a crowded café.

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Belle Magazine
Leeta keens
April/May 2009

Paul Davies’ ongoing interest in modern architecture is yet again in his new show at Tim Olsen Gallery.

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Art & Australia
Margaret Farmer
Vol.46 No.3

Revelling in paint's materiality, Guy Maestri creates abstract gestures of colour and line supplement by a figurative lexicon expressive of environmental concerns.

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Wentworth Courier
Menios Constantinou
11 March 2009

Guy Maestri is no stranger to rejection. Before this year, the Surry Hills artist had entered eight of his paintings into the Archibald Prize, each going no further than the storeroom of the Art Gallery of NSW.

"So to those artists whose paintings didn't get hung, keep it up," he said.

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The Sydney Morning Herald
Louise Schwartzkoff
7 March 2009

GUY MAESTRI won the Archibald Prize yesterday for a portrait of the blind Aboriginal singer Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu.

The Sydney artist's work has been rejected eight consecutive times, ending up in the salon des refuses. But when he saw Yunupingu perform at the Peats Ridge Music Festival last year he knew he had found a winning subject.

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The Sydney Morning Herald
Louise Schwartzkoff
6 March 2009

Artist Guy Maestri has taken out the prestigious Archibald Prize with his portrait of blind Aboriginal singer Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunipingu.

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The Australian
6 March 2009

A PORTRAIT of Arnhem Land singer Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu has won this year's Archibald Prize at the Art Gallery of NSW in Sydney.

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The Daily Telegraph
6 March 2009

Guy Maestri Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunipingu wins Archibald Prize

ARTIST Guy Maestri has taken out the prestigious Archibald Prize with his portrait of blind Aboriginal singer Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunipingu.

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The Week - The best of the Australian and International Media
27 February 2009

Martine Emdur takes photos of women's bodies submerged in the ocean off Sydney. Back in the studio, she uses the images as a point of departure for her large-scale underwater nudes.


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The Sydney Morning Herald - Spectrum
Elissa Blake
21-22 February 2009

LOOKING for Martine Emdur at her next exhibition opening? Check the women's toilet. The Sydney artist, described by her friends and family as "painfully shy", "very humble" and even "a bit kooky", is more than reticent when it comes to talking about her work and sipping champagne with potential buyers - she is almost phobic.

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Australian Art Review
Jo Bertini
February - April 2009

Fired by a fascination with the possibilities of the surreal, art intersects  with science, the real converges with the imaginary in a studio inhabited by pseudo-organic objects. Jo Bertini captures the sci-fi world of 'otherness' of Vera Moller.

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December 2008

The New.... Until December 21st David Bromley's famous work can be vewed at the Tim Olsen Gallery.

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The (Sydney) Magazine
Annemarie Lopez
27 November 2008

Drift into the artists dreamy "florascapes" in this exhibition of subtly elusive paintings and prints.

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The Sydney Morning Herald - Spectrum
Saturday 11 October 2008

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The Sydney Morning Herald - Goodweekend
Michael Reid
Saturday 4 October 2008

Showcasing the best of Australian art, with an eye to artistic merit and market value.

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Art World
Sarah Hetherington
Oct/Nov 2008

“How I see the landscape at any given point is how I want to articulate it. I can’t lie; I want to convey the truth of what I see…”

Joanna Logue is based in Oberon in the central west region of New South Wales. She is well known for her atmospheric landscape paintings based on aspects of her immediate environment in Oberon. Although the paintings are inspired by the particular landscape where she lives and are therefore quite personal, Logue pares back the various elements in the composition and softens the focus so that the final works become dreamlike recollections of landscape rather than images tied to a specific place. More recently, Logue’s exploration of the landscape has extended to video, although, as she explains, she will “always be a painter.” 

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The Age (Melbourne) Magazine
Susan Horsburgh
September 2008

Few see inside artist David Bromley's secret "headquarters" - a vast, crumbling building where Howard Arkley once had a studio. We take a tour.

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The Sydney Magazine
Annemarie Lopez
September 08

Luke Sciberras - Works on Paper

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The Sydney Morning Herald
Melissa Penfold
August 7 2008


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The Australian Financial Review
Terry Ingram
Thursday 31 July 2008

Sydney art dealer Tim Olsen will ask 10 of his current stable of 40 artists to find new representation, in one of the biggest culls of a gallery stable since the contemporary art boom began to gather pace in the late 1990s.

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